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Soy and zucchini omelette

Kitchen tools

Frying pan


Textured soy:
Smoke powder:
Soy sauce:
Chickpea flour:

2 oz / 50 gr.
1 tablespoon
1 teaspoon
10 ml
1 unit
2 tablespoons
1 teaspoon


1. In a bowl, place the textured soybeans, parika, smoke powder, soy sauce, a little olive oil, and salt to taste.
2. Cover with hot water. Leav it marinating.
3. In another bowl, mix the chickpea flour, cornstarch, a little pepper and 9 tablespoons of cold water.
4. Add a little olive oil to a frying pan over medium heat and saute the soy for a few minutes.
5. Remove it and set aside.
6. Now saute the zucchini.
7. Pour the zucchini into the container containing the soybeans, add the chickpea flour preparation and mix everything very well.
8. In the frying pan, over medium-low heat, add a little olive oil and pour in the preparation.
9. Cook for 5 minutes on each side and remove.

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